Trajan Baker, Daniela Fowler, Megan Smithey
Gateway suggests a new approach to development. In this case, this development asks the community: “What do you need? How can we help? Who are you?” These vital questions are rarely asked when individuals unfamiliar with the impacted neighborhood make pro formas and investments behind closed doors.
The southern vehicular gateway to Raleigh has an abrupt change in scale from four-lane highway to split one-way city streets. This artery serves one purpose without abandon – get cars into downtown Raleigh. Unfortunately, the speed and scale of the road are effectively walls to the residential neighborhood of Southpark, a historic district south of town. The proposal seeks to use public engagement and community occupation on a vacant parcel as a way to integrate traffic calming, ultimately reconnecting the neighborhood, reestablishing connections to city greenways, and reminding the public that the city is for people and their communities.